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How to upload to eBay Store using File Exchange

eBay File Exchange is an advanced selling tool designed for high-volume sellers who want to upload their inventory directly to eBay using a Microsoft Excel-compatible .csv or tab-delimited file.

You can use eBay File Exchange to add, revise, relist, and end items in bulk, as well as perform post-sale management tasks such as leaving feedback and identifying items as “paid” or “shipped”.

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  1. Goto File Exchange
  2. Sign in if required on the next page
  3. Agree to the terms and conditions of use
  4. You are now ready to start using File Exchange

  5. When the upload is completed you should be informed as to how many revisions were made and the success rate, however as i’ve found Ebay will often tell you the revisions were made when in fact if you download the more detailed view you will find everything failed. In the screenshot below we can see everything appears to have processed fine.

    The “Load Results Report” provides information regarding successful and unsuccessful.