How to Maintain the Sparkle of Silver Jewelry Without Expert Help?

Jewelry business owners must have faced issues with purchasing wholesale silver bracelets which loses its shine overtime if it does not get sold as soon as it was made. Therefore, maintenance is a given for every owner of the silver jewelry, be it the businessman or the customer.

Therefore, cleaning and buffing the silver is more important than ever because all silver gets oxidized when it comes in contact with the oxygen in the air, leading to rust. Moreover, silver is known to get quick oxidation with even a little humidity. Let’s discuss some ways by which we can prevent this and maintain the luster and shine of the jewel.

Possible methods to try for cleaning silver jewelry
Often, silver jewelry tends to turn into green or black in color which means that it has been oxidized in the presence of high humidity. This usually happens because of the hydrogen sulfide exposure which causes the jewelry to turn black.
However, silver can actually oxidize in the presence of humidity and light or even contact with perfume, lotion, hairspray or even the body oils you might use often. Moreover, the acidity level of our skin can also disturb the silver’s sparkle which is why it requires a constant maintenance session.

• Soap and water solution –
Because Silver is a metal with lustrous, it has to be combined with a different metal to make a shape out of it since it is so soft. While buying wholesale silver chains, it will probably lose its lustrous because of humidity exposure and even light and expensive ways of cleaning silver could really take a toll on your budget. Hence, using soap and water solution can work wonders if you use a mild dishwashing soap and water in equal amounts. It is always better to keep them immersed for sometime before washing and wiping.

• Baking Soda –
Take two parts of baking soda with one part of water and mix the mixture to form paste which you have to rub over the tarnished surface of the silver and let it sit for some time to make it dry. Now, you can rinse it and further use a microfiber towel to dry the jewelry piece. Replace baking soda with cornstarch if you don’t have any baking soda.

• Baking Soda and vinegar –
Similarly, mix half a cup of vinegar (white) with two teaspoon of baking soda to form a mixture and soak your silver into it. Two/three hours may be enough for it before you rinse in water thoroughly followed by a buffing session with a microfiber cloth.

• Olive oil and lemon –
Every now and then, jewelers buy wholesale silver earrings which require so much maintenance because any exposure to humidity would run it. Therefore, a mixture of half a teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon olive oil works wonder by using a cloth dipped in it to clean the silver.

• Toothpaste and water –
Some non-whitening toothpaste can also help in cleaning the silver material mixed with a drop of water. Further, scrub the piece with a soft-bristle brush and wipe the excess off from the jewelry but do not use this solution on jewelries that may be silver plated.

Jewelry shops often buy wholesale silver jewelry for their business even though sometimes, they may not sell at the same time they have been bought. This requires further maintenance of the jewelry to keep them shining bright so they clean jewelry using easy and cheap methods so that budget can be maintained as well.